To Kill A Mockingbird

Vanie Ghamta
2 min readApr 6, 2021

To Harper Lee

Someone rarely has written this very fine novel. A “Classic” is a one-word definition for it. Of all the authors I’ve read, she has the liveliest sense of humour and life: some dark, some light, some young, some old.
It is uniquely unsentimental.

It is a touchstone in literary history. It is a fabulous collection of memories and thoughts, yet powerful. It may be America’s beloved novel, but it has touched hearts throughout the world.

The book will take you on a journey where the world is divided into two races — Black and White. It talks about deep societal issues like rape and racism.
Scout never understood why white people were unfair to black people. She was young. She loved them.
Jem loved her unconditionally despite their fights.
Calpurnia, a black maid, raised them. She was a good lady.
Atticus Finch was the man of honour. He tried his best to keep his children away from the city’s chaos while fighting for black people.

To kill a Mockingbird,
You inspired me to write.

You showed courage is not the man holding a gun, it’s just an idea,
It is knowing you’re licked before you start, but you start it anyway.
I knew how discrimination was wrong,
But you showed how generalized it was.

You showed even a false accusation of rape is a crime, but ain’t.
You showed us the innocent lives matter but didn’t.
All lives matter, you shouted, not just white.

Crawled deep inside the skin,
You knew how to get me.
Standing on that Radly Porch,
It was all I wanted.
I thought and thought until you turned a snob.
Them shouting;
How rape was fine until the wine is mine,
How class was slang until it wasn’t your hand,
How calumny was shred until it’s the white head.
While the white stood might, the coloured polite.
Standing there at the edge of the world shouting,
“Shoot all the bluejays you want,
if you can hit ’em, but remember
it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.”



Vanie Ghamta

A regular mountain girl who loves poetry, writing, editing, and a little crypto and blockchain:) ;)